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Answers to these questions are below

All the links you need for your pool, are on the "pool home page." To get there, go to the "my pools" page and click the green "pool home page" button.
See our twitter account for postponements, updates and other news.
Have a different question? Type it in, here:
What is my password to login?
Passwords are encrypted, for security reasons.

You can have an email sent with instructions on how to reset credentials, via the "reset your password" page.

The link to that page is on the login page, and below.

If we have record of your password hint, you may be able to change your password, directly on the site.

Please note, passwords are case-sensitive.

Btw, your pool administrator can now reset your password, too, if you are in a pool.

If you have trouble, please contact them to reset your password. Tell them the link is in the "Admin Links" section.

Reset Your Password
Can I change pool admins?
The pool administrator can do this on the "Manage Admin Users" page.  
Please note: People must be in the pool before they can be made an admin.

To get there:
1. go to the site, 
2. click "My Pools"
3. log in if necessary
4. click the green "Pool Home Page" button
5. click the "Admin Links" link on the left side of page to expand that section.
6. click the "Manage Admin Users" 
As a manager, how do I reset player passwords?

The pool administrator can do this on the "Reset Player Passwords" page or the "my archived pools" page, if the player was in a previous pool.

To get the "Reset Player Passwords" page:
1. go to the site, 
2. click "My Pools"
3. log in if necessary
4. click the green "Pool Home Page" button
5. click the "Admin Links" link on the left side of page to expand that section.
6. click the "Reset Player Passwords" 
How do I delete my pool?
Use the "Delete This Pool" page.

To get there:
1. Log in to
2. Click "My Pools" at top of page.
3. Click the green "Pool Home Page" button on the "My Pools" page.
4. Click the "Admin Links" link on the left side of the page, to expand that section.
5. Click the "Delete this pool" link
How do I view/edit my players' picks?


The pool administrator can do this on the "Manage Users" page.


Please note: Special timestamps are recorded when pool admins edit picks, via the admin area. See how, here


To get there:
1. go to the site, 
2. click "My Pools"
3. log in if necessary
4. click the green "Pool Home Page" button
5. click the "Manage Users" link on the left (in the Admin section)
	-You may need to click "Admin Links" to expand that section.
6. click the appropriate week number, from the list above the players table.
7. click the corresponding "Edit Picks" link in one of the columns on the right side of the player table.

On the Manage Users page, you'll see a list of all of the players in your pool.  You can edit their picks or deactivate/activate them or delete them.
How can I see when picks were last modified?


Timestamps for when picks were last modified can be seen on the "picks matrix" page.


Please note, that when admins edit picks, via the admin area, a special timestamp is recorded, which can also be seen on the picks matrix page.


You can see this by clicking the "Show picks modified times" checkbox, just above the teams on the picks matrix. Selecting that checkbox reveals a hidden column with timestamps and whether the pool admin made the last change.
How do I delete or deactivate a player, in my pool?

Deactivating players will remove them from the pool. Deleting players is no longer an option.

The pool administrator can do this on the "Manage Users" page.  To get there:
1. go to the site, 
2. click "My Pools"
3. log in if necessary
4. click the green "Pool Home Page" button
5. click the "Manage Users" link on the left (in the Admin section)
	-You may need to click "Admin Links" to expand that section.
7. click the corresponding "Deactivate" link in one of the columns of the player table.
I purchased upgrade but still see ads.

It may be that your browser's cookies are not up to date. There are 3 ways to fix it:

  1. Try logging in with a different browser or on a different device.
  2. Click on both of these links:
    Fix Cookies (1)
    Fix Cookies (2)
  3. If neither of those options works for you, try the more thorough way.
The more thorough way:

Here is how to fix it on your current computer:

  1. Log out completely
  2. Clear cookies on your browser for
  3. Log back in
How do I copy players from 1 pool to another?
Use the "Copy Players to/from another pool" page.

To get there:
1. Log in to
2. Click "My Pools" at top of page.
3. Click the green "Pool Home Page" button on the "My Pools" page.
4. Click the "Copy Players to/from another pool" link on the left of the page, in the "Admin Links" section.
	-You may need to click "Admin Links" to expand that section.
How do I change my pool's scoring settings?
Use the "Edit Pool Settings" page.

To get there:
1. Log in to
2. Click "My Pools" at top of page.
3. Click the green "Pool Home Page" button on the "My Pools" page.
4. Click the "Edit Pool Settings" link on the left of the page, in the "Admin Links" section.
	-You may need to click "Admin Links" to expand that section.
How do I change my screen name?
1. Log in to
2. Click "My Pools" at top of page.
3. Click the green "Pool Home Page" button on the "My Pools" page.
4. Click the green "Change Screen Name" button in the middle of the page.
How can I add an extra set of picks?
1. Log in to
2. Click "My Pools" at top of page.
3. Click the green "Pool Home Page" button on the "My Pools" page.
4. Click "Pool Links" on the left side of the page.
5. Click the "Add an Extra Set of Picks"
	-please note, it may read "Add an extra bracket"
Tie games: How are tie games handled?

Tie games

For pickem, survivor and streak pools without tie game selectors, tie games or draws are treated as wins, for anyone who makes a pick. This only applies to pools that are not scored against-the-spread (ATS).

For pools with tie game selectors, only players who correctly predict tie games will be awarded points.

Note: If no winner was picked for the game, then it is treated as an incorrect pick.

Cancelled games: How do postponed/cancelled games affect scoring?
A cancelled game is one that will not be played in a reasonable timeframe like the other games on the original picks sheet.
ie. If a game was originally supposed to be played in week 1, but, gets moved to week 12, then it is considered "cancelled" for week 1. If the "tie breaker" game is cancelled, then the next latest played game will be used.
A postponed game is one where the start time is changed, but, is still played in a reasonable timeframe like the other games. ie. the same "week".
The scheduled start time for postponed games will be changed on the picks page. It is up to each player to make a pick before the new start time. If the rescheduled start time affects that week's tie breaker then the rescheduled game will be used as the tie breaker. eg. If the original tie breaker game is on Monday night and the rescheduled game is played Tuesday, then the Tuesday game will be the tie breaker game.

Cancelled Games for Pickem-style pools

Pickem scores for cancelled games: 

Everyone gets a win, for cancelled games, no matter who they picked, as long as they made a pick.  
The game will NOT be locked prior to its originally scheduled start time.  So, everyone has a fair chance to make a pick.

People in pools with ranking type scoring methods will get credit for a win and receive their ranking points, 
as long as they made a pick with a ranking. 

Pool admins can change picks/rankings as necessary.

One option, that some admins, with ranking-style scoring methods, have employed is to 
bump everyone's rankings up by 1, that were originally below the postponed game ranking, and set their postponed rank to zero.

Eg. If a player had assigned 3 ranking points to the postponed game, then set that to zero 
and the game, for that player, that was ranked 2, would be changed to 3 and the game that player had as a 1 would be changed to a 2.

Please note, that this remedy may not work for ranking style pools, where losses count negative, because a loss could be increased, 
which may unfairly decrease that player's score.

Eg. If a player originally ranked a loss as a 2, then you bump that game to a 3, then they will have negative 3 points, instead of negative 2 points.

Cancelled Games for Survivor / Streak style pools

Survivor / Streak scores for cancelled games: 

Once an official announcement has been made that a game is cancelled, that game will be "locked" to prevent any more survivor/streak picks being made.
Anyone who picks either of those 2 teams will get a win.

Pool admins can change picks as necessary.

How do I re-subscribe or unsubscribe to reminder emails? Re-subscribe or unsubscribe on the "My Profile" page
1. Log in to
2. Click "My Pools" at top of page.
3. Click "My Profile" at top of page.
Data Privacy: How do I remove my information from the system? (GDPR)

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

For security reasons, you'll need to be logged into the site so your request can be verified.
  1. Click the "My Profile" link near the top of the page.
  2. Click "Delete my personal information."
  3. Follow instructions on that page to permanently remove your personal information from the site.
Data Privacy: What information do you have on me? (CCPA)

California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)

Tie Breakers: How are tie breakers calculated?
Summary of how tie breakers are calculated, for pickem pools:

Basically, the system keeps track of how close each person got, each week (or stage).  It then sums up each person's weekly difference, to get the season long difference.  The person with the lowest season long difference, wins the tie breaker.

Details of Weekly Tie Breakers are calculated as follows:

If multiple players are tied for the highest points for any given week, the player with the closest tie breaker prediction, regardless if they are over or under, to the actual tie breaker value is the winner. If multiple players are still tied, then the player who entered their tie breaker value first*, wins.

* = The player with the earliest date/timestamp for enterring their picks.

Please note that the date/timestamp is updated every time a player's picks and/or tie breaker are edited.

The season-long tie breaker, for "pickem-style" pools is the sum of all the tie breaker differences for each week. The goal is to have the smallest "difference,".. ie. the closest "difference" to zero, will win the season long tie breaker. Should multiple players be tied at the end of a season, then the player with the smallest total difference will be the winner.

Ex. for a 3 week season:
Player A and Player B are tied after the entire season.  But, in the scenario below, Player B wins, because B has a smaller tie breaker difference than A.

Week 1:
Actual Tie Breaker Value: 30
Player A predicts 28:  30 - 28 = a difference of 2
Player B predicts 26:  30 - 26 = a difference of 4

Week 2:
Actual Tie Breaker Value: 21
Player A predicts 28:  28 - 21 = a difference of 7
Player B predicts 26:  26 - 21 = a difference of 5

Week 3:
Actual Tie Breaker Value: 45
Player A predicts 49:  49 - 45 = a difference of 4
Player B predicts 45:  45 - 45 = a difference of 0

Total Tie Breaker Difference calculation:
Player A:  2 + 7 + 4 = 13
Player B: 4 + 5 + 0 = 9

Player B wins the tie breaker
I purchased an upgrade but what if more people join than I purchased?
This is how it works: if you hit your original limit and more players join, they can register and make their picks. But, they won't show up on the leader board until they have been paid for.
If more people have registered than your original limit, then the site will show an orange button, prompting you to purchase the remaining players. We will not automatically charge your credit card.
For bracket-style pools: The leader board is not important for brackets until after the picks deadline, when registration and the picks page lock. So, I recommend that you log into the "www" site, as the admin, after the picks deadline. If more people have registered than your original limit, then the site will show an orange button, prompting you to purchase the remaining players.
What is a "pickem" vs "bracket" style pool?
The main difference between a "pickem" style pool and a "bracket" style pool is the picks deadline.
Pickem style pools allow for picks to be made up until each game starts. Think of a regular season weekly football pool or the group stage of a major soccer tournament, like the World Cup.
Bracket style pools have a hard deadline of the first game of a tournament. Meaning ALL picks MUST be made before the first game of the tournament starts. No edits will be allowed after the first game starts. Think of the NCAA basketball tournament bracket or the knockout stage of the World Cup.
We offer both types of pools for many sporting events as well as "hybrid" versions for the World Cup and Euro Cup. Hybrid versions are where the group stage is a pickem style and the knockout stage is a bracket. The knockout stage bracket will have a picks deadline of the first match of the knockout stage.
SN: 69awyx